MSI uses the Award BIOS for all their
motherboards and the 850 Pro5 is no different, however there aren't as many
tweaks as we're use to seeing. There still are the usual AGP options and CPU
tweaks, but maybe we've been spoiled by AMD based motherboards for too
Here we can adjust the RDRAM frequency from 400 MHz (default) to
300 MHz but that's it. There are no CAS Latency adjustments. Then again, this is RDRAM.
We have a few AGP
options as well; the motherboard assumes you're using a 4x AGP videocard (since
it has the 1.5 V AGP lock) and 4x is enabled by default.
At least there are
the usual overclocking options available. If you're lucky enough to have a
unlocked Pentium 4 you can change your multiplier to whatever you'd like. You
can add up to 0.100V to the voltage of the processor and the 850 Pro5 even
allows you to adjust the FSB from 1 MHz at a time between 100 MHz-200 MHz!
I personally would like to see memory voltage tweaks as standard components to a BIOS.
As for overclocking the
MSI 850 Pro5 was up to the task. Using a Pentium 4 2 GHz Williamette we were able
to push it to 113 MHz FSB which gave us a CPU speed of 2.26 GHz, quite an
accomplishment considering we're using a Willaimette! Another nice thing was
that the MSI 850 Pro5 could do 112 MHz while keeping the RDRAM running with the
400 MHz option enabled!