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Cyrix/VIA MII-PR433 Processor Review
Cyrix/VIA MII-PR433 Processor Review - PCSTATS
What we are seeing today has probably never happened in the history of computing. Faster and faster CPU's are churning out of the fab plants at what seems like a weekly basis. Before we can even get out hands on the fastest processor out there, an even faster processor comes and takes its place before we know it!
 65% Rating:   
Filed under: CPU / Processors Published:  Author: 
External Mfg. Website: Cyrix Apr 12 2000   P. Masrani  
Home > Reviews > CPU / Processors > Cyrix MII-PR433

PR Numbers Explained

The actual representation of the MII/PR-433 comes by the PR-rating or Pentium equivalent rating. So a MII/PR433 would not necessarily mean that the CPU clock runs at 433MHz. This basically an indicator that means the performance of a MII would be equivalent to a Pentium CPU running at the same clock speed.

For instance, a Cyrix MII/433 actually operates at a 300MHz clock speed but supposedly performs at a performance level equal that of a Pentium 433. According to Cyrix, the x86 processor architecture has diverged a great deal resulting in variations in clock speed and number of instructions executed per clock cycle. It would not be fair to compare a Joshua processor that runs at 300 million clock cycles per second against another CPU running at 433 million clock cycles per second.

This is why the PR-rating has been used. These PR ratings by Cyrix were derived from scores of CPU performance under the Ziff-Davis Winstone suite.

Test Bed Setup

Performance numbers say it all. The following hardware was used to measure up the performance of the Cyrix MII/433 CPU. As we are comparing between a Socket 7 based CPU and Celeron is the Socket 370 base, 2 test bed setups had to be used. Most of the hardware was kept the same. The only difference being in CPU and motherboard.

MII Setup

- Cyrix MII/433GP CPU running at 300MHz under a normal clocked environment
- Asus P5SB "Super 7" Motherboard
- 96MB SDRAM running at 100MHz
- Quantum 8.4GB ATA/66 hard disk drive

Celeron Setup

- Intel Celeron 333 CPU
- Soltek 67KV Slot 1 Motherboard
- 96MB SDRAM running at 100MHz
- Quantum 8.4GB ATA/66 hard disk drive

We shall come to see whether or not the Cyrix MII/433 is a worthy competitor to the Celeron 333 CPU from Intel. Now on with the benchmarks...

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Contents of Article: Cyrix MII-PR433
 Pg 1.  Cyrix/VIA MII-PR433 Processor Review
 Pg 2.  — PR Numbers Explained
 Pg 3.  Benchmarks: CPU Mark 99
 Pg 4.  Benchmarks: SiSoft Sandra 99

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