Comanche 4 benchmark demo is a unique benchmark as it represents a real-world
gaming experience. It contains the single player "Eagle's Talon" mission from
the game as well as a detailed cinematic. This DirectX 8.1 benchmark demo will
measure your system's performance in the standard frames per second format. The
benchmark was run with audio disabled.
because the MSI is clocked lower by default it performs a but slower then the
PixelView MX440-8X but once overclocked it's quite powerful!
Comanche 4 1600x1200 |
Card |
Ranking |
1. |
G4Ti4600-TD |
38.14 |
2. |
ECS AG400 |
8.92 |
3. |
ATi Radeon 8500 64MB |
21.1 |
4. |
PixelView GeForce4 MX440-8X
(300/550) |
25.25 |
5. |
G4MX440-VTD8X (270/400) |
22.86 |
6. |
G4MX440-VTD8X (415/713) |
31.34 |
As the
resolution is turned up, the MX440-8X's start to slow down dramatically. The
overclocked card though is still performing very well thanks to the large memory
bandwidth available.