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MSI K7N2-L nForce2 Motherboard Review
MSI K7N2-L nForce2 Motherboard Review - PCSTATS
nVIDIA's original nForce chipset had lots of potential and made a lot of promises, but in the end it fizzled out big time.
 80% Rating:   
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External Mfg. Website: MSI Jan 30 2003   C. Sun  
Home > Reviews > Motherboards > MSI K7N2-L

Benchmarks: Sandra 2003, PCMark 2002

Sisoft Sandra 2003 Source: Sandra

Sandra is designed to test the theoretical power of a complete system and individual components. The numbers taken though are again, purely theoretical and may not represent real world performance.

SiSoft Sandra 2003 Benchmark Results
MSI K7N2-L Score

Multimedia Benchmark (FSB)

1. Integer SSE - 166/400 12077 it/s
1a. Integer SSE - 175/350 12681 it/s
2. Floating-Point SSE - 166/400 12859 it/s
2a. Floating-Point SSE - 175/350 13561 it/s

CPU Benchmark (FSB)

3. Dhrystone ALU - 166/400 8193 MIPS
3a. Dhrystone ALU - 175/350 8458 MIPS
4. Whetstone FPU - 166/400


4a. Whetstone FPU - 175/350 3448 MFLOPS

Memory Benchmark (FSB)

5. Integer ALU - 166/400 2434 MB/s
5a. Integer ALU - 175/350 2672 MB/s
6. Float FPU - 166/400 2304 MB/s
6a. Float FPU - 175/350 2499 MB/s

There are the SiSoft Sandra scores for those who like to brag. Are they any good? =)

PCMark 2002 Source: MadOnion

PCMark is a new benchmark from our pals at MadOnion which a whole system benchmark. It can be used on desktop PC's, Laptops and even Workstations and tests everyday computing from home to office usage. PCMark specifically stresses the CPU, memory subsystem, graphics subsystem, hard drives, WindowsXP GUI (if WinXP is used), video performance and even laptop batteries. This benchmark was released March 12, 2002 and can be downloaded from Madonion if you would like to give it a test run on your computer for comparisons sake...

PCMark2002 Benchmark Results
Processor PCMarks Ranking
1. AD77 Infinity - 166/333 5079
2. K7N2-L - 166/400 6573
3. K7N2-L - 175/350 6921


1. AD77 Infinity - 166/333 3561
2. K7N2-L - 166/400 5020
3. K7N2-L - 175/350 5365

Please disregard the DFI AD77 Infinity benchmarks... We had a bit of difficulty with the DFI during previous testing.

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Contents of Article: MSI K7N2-L
 Pg 1.  MSI K7N2-L nForce2 Motherboard Review
 Pg 2.  Over clocking and heatsink Clearances
 Pg 3.  The Wonderful Blue BIOS
 Pg 4.  Benchmarks: Sysmark 2002
 Pg 5.  Benchmarks: Winstone 2002, Winbench 99
 Pg 6.  — Benchmarks: Sandra 2003, PCMark 2002
 Pg 7.  Benchmarks: 3DMark 2001, QIII Arena
 Pg 8.  nForce2 is the real deal

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