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GeIL Ultra PC3500 Golden Dragon Memory Review
GeIL Ultra PC3500 Golden Dragon Memory Review  - PCSTATS
GeIL incorporated advanced WLCSP (wafer level chip scale package) technology into the Golden Dragon memory line.
 86% Rating:   
Filed under: Memory Published:  Author: 
External Mfg. Website: GeIL Jul 21 2003   C. Sun  
Home > Reviews > Memory > GeIL Golden Dragon PC3500

Overclocking and test system parameters

According to GeIL, the Golden Dragon memory use 4ns memory which means in theory they should be capable of at least 250 MHz (1000 MHz / 4 = 250 MHz). Using the Epox 8RGA+ as the test bed we encountered problems with the memory right from the beginning. In order to stabilize things at 166 MHz FSB (default FSB for the AthlonXP 3000+) we had to raise the memory voltage to 2.63V.

After the initial problems we had pretty smooth sailing all the way up to 213 MHz FSB. At that speed we hit another snag and had to raise the DIMM voltage to 2.77V. Finally, at 217 MHz FSB we had to raise the voltage to 2.9V to keep things stable. Please bare in mind that we've only been using the most aggressive memory timings available (2-2-2-5).

Using more conservative timings of 2-3-3-6 we were able to hit a nice 226 MHz FSB, however because of the looser memory timings performance was around the same as 217 MHz with tight timings.

We weren't able to hit the theoretical speed of 250 MHz. We did reach 217MHz with aggressive timings and 226MHz with looser timings which is still not too shabby!

System Spec's:

pcstats test system specs:

computer hardware:


athlonxp 3000+

clock speed:

13 x 166 mhz = 2.16 ghz

10 x 217 mhz = 2.17 ghz


epox 8rga+


nforce2 igp


ati radeon 9700 pro (325/620)


2x 256mb corsair xms3500 cas2
2x 256mb geil golden dragon ultra pc3500

hard drive: 40gb wd special ed.
cdrom: nec 52x cd-rom

panasonic 1.44mb floppy drive

heatsink: thermalright sk6 w/36cfm delta
powersupply: vantec 470w stealth psu
software setup

windowsxp build 2600
nforce2 2.03
catalyst 3.5

workstation benchmarks

sisoft sandra 2003
quake iii arena

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Contents of Article: GeIL Golden Dragon PC3500
 Pg 1.  GeIL Ultra PC3500 Golden Dragon Memory Review
 Pg 2.  — Overclocking and test system parameters
 Pg 3.  Benchmarks: Sandra2003, PCmark2002
 Pg 4.  Benchmarks: 3DMark2001SE, Quake III Arena
 Pg 5.  Benchmarks: UT2003, Conclusion

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