So what does the
NV36 Reference videocard look like? Is it using the same two-PCI configuration
as the NV35 reference card did? Does the core run so hot that
a huge fan sounding like a jet airplane is required? These are just
a few of the questions we had, though specifics were
a little hard to come by on that
Returning to a more compact size, the NV36
reference card occupies a single PCI slot for both itself, and its cooling
The reference cooler is manufactured by AVC, but
few companies are expected to utilize it on their production models. The reason
for this stems from the fact that with control over card manufacturing so
tightly validated by nVidia, there remains little room for manufacturers to
differentiate themselves other than bundled goodies and cooling
On the rear of the card we find a memory heatsink. If you recall, the last few cores nvidia have released have been covered in a protective metal cap. The NV36 breaks with this packaging method and now appears to use an exposed silicon core.