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Soltek SL-K8AN-RL nForce3 150 Motherboard Review
Soltek SL-K8AN-RL nForce3 150 Motherboard Review - PCSTATS
Soltek have arguably produced the least expensive Athlon64 motherboard on the market with their SL-K8AN-RL.
 81% Rating:   
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External Mfg. Website: Soltek Dec 07 2003   C. Sun  
Home > Reviews > Motherboards > Soltek SL-K8AN-RL

Benchmarks: Winbench99, SiSoft Sandra 2004

Winbench 99 V1.2 Source: e-Testinglabs.com

WinBench 99 is a subsystem-level benchmark that measures the performance of a PC's graphics, disk, and video subsystems in a Windows environment. WinBench 99's tests can run on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows Me systems.

WinBench 99 v1.2 Benchmark Results
Soltek SL-K8AN-RL Score Ranking
1a. Business Disk - 200/400


1b. Business Disk - 219/438


2a. High-End Disk - 200/400 35900


High-End Disk - 219/438 37100
3a. Business Graphics - 200/400 1280
3c. Business Graphics - 219/438 1380
4a. High-End Graphics - 200/400 2160
4b. High-End Graphics - 219/438 2290

Surprisingly we see HDD performance goes up when the system is overclocked! It looks like nVIDIA did their homework as the HDD performance of the nForce3 150 is very good!

Sisoft Sandra 2004 Source: Sandra

Sandra is designed to test the theoretical power of a complete system and individual components. The numbers taken though are again, purely theoretical and may not represent real world performance. Higher numbers represent better performance.

SiSoft Sandra 2004 Benchmark Results
Processors Score

Multimedia Benchmark

1a. Integer SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (200/400) 15068 it/s
1b. Integer SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (219/438) 16498 it/s
2a. Floating-Point SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (200/400) 19895 it/s

Floating-Point SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (219/438)

21782 it/s

CPU Benchmark

3a. Dhrystone SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (200/400) 8434 MIPS
3b. Dhrystone SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (219/438) 9235 MIPS
4a. Whetstone SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (200/400)

3189 FPU/4165 SSE2 MFLOPS

4b. Whetstone SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (219/438)

3492 FPU/4561 SSE2 MFLOPS

Memory Benchmark

5a. Integer SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (200/400) 3121 MB/s
5b. Integer SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (219/438) 3419 MB/s
6a. Float SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (200/400) 3122 MB/s
6b Float SSE2 - Soltek SL-K8AN-RL (219/438) 3420 MB/s

The multimedia and processor scores are in line with what we would expect from an Athlon64. Memory bandwidth increases nicely due to overclocking.

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Contents of Article: Soltek SL-K8AN-RL
 Pg 1.  Soltek SL-K8AN-RL nForce3 150 Motherboard Review
 Pg 2.  More Soltek Loving..
 Pg 3.  The BIOS and Overclocking
 Pg 4.  Is the SL-K8AN-RL a speed demon?
 Pg 5.  Benchmarks: Sysmark 2002, Winstone 2002
 Pg 6.  — Benchmarks: Winbench99, SiSoft Sandra 2004
 Pg 7.  Benchmarks: PCMark2002, 3DMark2001
 Pg 8.  Benchmarks: Quake III Arena, UT2003
 Pg 9.  Affordable and fast; a great combination!

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