For some reason (I
guess good engineering?), Epox motherboards tend to hit overclocking highs that are almost impossible for most other manufacturers....
but this isn't always a given.
Before we
started overclocking, we first lowered the CPU
multiplier to 8x and the memory divider to 166 MHz mode. This way neither the
processor nor the memory would be limiting the EP-9NPA+ Ultra motherboard in terms
of overclocking.
at 200 MHz we slowly increased the motherboard clock speed upwards. Things were uneventful from the
start, and it easily passed 260Mhz before running into a few problems at 263 MHz. Increasing
the nF4 Ultra chipset voltage to 1.8V solved this, and the EP-9NPA+ Ultra was then able
to continue on.

Amazingly the motherboard hit a very sweet 307 MHz
before it started to become unstable! We think heat may be the issue as the
medium sized heatsink on the NF4-SLI chipset was too hot to touch. Luckily, since the holes around the chipset are compatible with
older videocard heatsinks, finding something that fits shouldn't be too
Up next, we take peek inside the many tweaking options
of the EP-9NPA+ Ultra's BIOS...