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Intel Pentium III 600E Overclocking
Intel Pentium III 600E Overclocking - PCSTATS
Intel's 600E is the hottest CPU to overclock right now. But what motherboard, heat sink and fan combo should you be overclocking with?
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External Mfg. Website: Intel Apr 20 2000   B. Ly  
Home > Reviews > CPU / Processors > Intel Pentium III 600E

Final Results! What you have been stiving for...

Quake III Benchmarks

Intel Pentium III 600E @ 800EB w/ Abit BF6 w/ Creative Labs Annihilator Pro






168.2 FPS

167 FPS

165.8 FPS


160 FPS

140 FPS

138.2 FPS


112.1 FPS

90.8 FPS

89.5 FPS


Intel Pentium III 600E @ 800EB w/ Abit VT6X4 /w Creative Labs Annihilator Pro






149.8 FPS

148.3 FPS

148.1 FPS


146.8 FPS

133.1 FPS

133.1 FPS


111.2 FPS

90.4 FPS

89.1 FPS

Once again, at the resolution and the settings that I use, there are no real differences between the Abit BF6 and the Abit VT6X4 in terms of performance. With the Annihilator Pro overclocked to 155MHz Core, and 345MHZ Memory, I get 109.5 FPS at 1024*768 with the High Quality setting on BF6. With the VT6X4, I get 108.1 FPS. The fill rate limitations of the Creative Labs Annihilator Pro rear its ugly head here too. As there is not even a 5 FPS increase at 1024*768 w/ HQ with the 200MHZ overclock.

On to the 3D Mark 2000 scores.

Intel Pentium III 600E @ 800EB w/ Abit BF6 w/ Creative Labs Annihilator Pro:

5715 3D Marks

Intel Pentium III 600E @ 800EB w/ Abit VT6X4 /w Creative Labs Annihilator Pro:

5674 3D Marks

Once again I am not too concerned with a 41-point deficit. The default setting used in 3D Mark 2000 is 1024*768 @ 16bit, so it certainly appears as though the motherboard chipset is not the bottleneck when running games at that resolution (previously highlighted in Quake III scores, low resolution ruled by BX, high resolution nearly equivalent.)


Heatsink Temp.
Intel Heat sink and fan


Alpha FC-PAL35


System Temperature


The Alpha FC-PAL35 is clearly a better cooling solution, however I was not able to overclock any higher while using this cooler. Hopefully the problem is being caused by the MSI 6905 Master adapter. If not, then all that the Alpha provides is a nice 9C cushion.


Let's recap, the Abit VT6X4 is a really flexible and stable motherboard that offers very good performance. The Abit BF6 is a very fast board, but is less flexible than its VIA 133A powered cousin (VT6X4.) We've also discovered that the fill rate limitations of the Creative Labs Annihilator Pro are very annoying (for people that crave 1024*768 or higher gaming.) Finally, if the MSI 6905 Master is not the root of the 800MHZ wall, then the Alpha FC-PAL35 may be an extraneous expense that should be avoided too. Ultimately, if you DO have an AGP card capable of running with an overclocked AGP bus (of 88MHZ and higher,) and have PC-133 RAM, then the Abit BF6 (or any decent i440 BX based board, BE6-II etc.) is the optimum solution, because the i440BX platform is STILL the FASTEST way to go. I am sticking with the Abit VT6X4 simply because I swap out AGP cards quite often, and need the flexibility that a ? AGP divisor provides J .

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Contents of Article: Intel Pentium III 600E
 Pg 1.  Intel Pentium III 600E Overclocking
 Pg 2.  Motherboard Specs
 Pg 3.  The first set of Sandra Benchmarks
 Pg 4.  Quake III, Temperatures, OC'ing
 Pg 5.  Overclocked Sandra Benchmarks
 Pg 6.  — Final Results! What you have been stiving for...

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