Opti The Super7 platform isn't once what it used to be. Just a little while ago (ahhhh... nostalgia) just about every single CPU on the market had its home in that lovely little Socket 7 interface we have all come to know and sometimes love
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Test Bed and Winstone Benchmarks
Before we go on to the benchmarks, here is the
platform that was used to test the Asus P5S-B.
- ASUS P5S-B "Super 7" Motherboard - AMD K6-3 / 400 CPU -
96MB PC100 SDRAM (CAS-2) - 8.4 GB Quantum Fireball CR
Winstone Performance
For this benchmark,
Winstone 99 and Content Creation Winstone 2000 have been used to test the
overall performance of the test bed setup. Winstone 99 (Business Winstone 99)
v1.2 is used to test the overall business performance of the computer system by
using applications such as MS Office 97, Lotus Smartsuite 97, etc. Content
Creation Winstone 2000 is a system-level, application-based benchmark that
measures a PC's overall performance when running today's Windows-based Internet
content creation applications. The test focuses on top-selling Internet content
creation applications.
Each test was run 3 times with the result being
the average value of the 3 test runs. Higher numbers indicate better
