All in all the GigaByte GA-6OXM7E (I'm really getting tired of typing in
that code...) is a decent motherboard for the average user. It comes standard with
onboard video, but gives you the option of upgrading to something like a
GeForce if you want. It comes with onboard sound from Creative, and a slew
of other i815E enabled features such as quad USB ports, FPD compatibility and the list
goes on...
If you are a cost conscious consumer looking for a motherboard for
general computing or SOHO situations this motherboard would be one worth considering. It
will give you a taste of overclocking, without requiring you ever set foot in BIOS
and get yourself all dirty. Also, the redundant BIOS is just a great feature for
reliability's sake.
On the other hand if you are a hardcore overclocker
things are much different. At first, the intentional space for a Golden Orb
cooler looks very promising, but the forced overclocking through Windows, and
the limit of 130FSB is nothing but, well, limiting. No decent FSB speeds, no
control over Vcore, and overclocking in windows don't add up to a very
overclocking friendly motherboard.
Overall this board is a good choice, so long as you are content to overclock
by only minor amounts or not at all. The layout is clean, the board feature
packed, and the dual BIOS offers a measure of reliability not very many other
manufacturers offer.