Fourthly, came the question of colour representation. Unfortunately we
were unable to source out a colour key to test with the ScanJet
at the time of this review. We did however make note of any instances where un-natural
colours were introduced by the scanner during digitization. Scanning three dimensional objects, or reflective
objects illustrated this peculiarity especially well on our cheaper reference scanner, and was
all but absent from the ScanJet in both instances.
Blowing things up:
About the easiest
way to really test a scanner is to enlarge an image to the maximum possible. Generally
speaking the more you can enlarge that image the better the capabilities of that
scanner. The HP ScanJet 6100C enlarges images up to 2400%. Quite large, but
what kind of quality do you get? Have a look;
100% |
500% |
1000% |
1500% |
2000% |
2400% |
Keeping in mind that these images have been optimized slightly for the web,
we really only see a bit of blur around 2000%, and only really pronounced at
2400%. Not bad at all.