Optical High anticipation was the tone prior to the release of AMD's Pentium X killer, the Athlon processor. An exciting time for AMD fans in particular who finally saw their dreams come to fruition as AMD finally surpassed long time rival Intel with regard to high performance microprocessors.
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Soltek 77KV |
Test Bed setup
The testing and
benchmark procedures carried out on the Soltek 77KV were under the
- AMD Athlon 550MHz CPU - Soltek 77KV Motherboard -
128MB PC100 SDRAM (CAS-2) - 8.4GB Quantum Fireball CR hard
Winstone Performance
For this benchmark, Winstone 99 and
Content Creation Winstone 2000 have been used to test the overall performance of
the test bed setup. Winstone 99 (Business Winstone 99) v1.2 is used to test the overall business performance of the computer
system by using applications such as MS Office 97, Lotus Smartsuite 97,
Creation Winstone 2000 is a system-level, application-based benchmark that
measures a PC's overall performance when running today's Windows-based Internet
content creation applications. The test focuses on top-selling Internet content
creation applications.
Each test was run 3
times with the result being the average value of the 3 test runs. Higher numbers
indicate better performance.
