As with many high end monitors today Proview has opted to pack the PX-772 full of
features accessible through an On Screen Display (OSD). Typically, the menus are icon centered and maintain
support for multiple languages. Oddly it seems that every monitor manufacturer uses just about the same "blue screen blue"
instead of something more friendly on the eyes...
Features of the onscreen display include:
Direct Access
- Main Features
- Geometry
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Size
- Position
- Colour
- Geometry
- Trapezoid
- Parallelogram
- Rotation
- Pinbalance
- V-Linearity
- Miscellaneous
The control wheel on the front of the monitor's bezel works all
the features and leaves the display rather
uncomplicated and clean looking. Features are nice but does this
monitor stand a chance of competing with other 17" models
out there?