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ATI Radeon 64MB DDR Video Card Review
ATI Radeon 64MB DDR Video Card Review - PCSTATS
"It's not for me, it for my DAD!" That's what I've been telling everyone when I picked up a retail Radeon 64 VIVO.
Filed under: Video Cards Published:  Author: 
External Mfg. Website: ATI May 22 2001   C. Sun  
Home > Reviews > Video Cards > ATI Radeon 64MB

3DMark 2001 - No Antialising

3DMark 2001 - No Antialising
Video Card: GPU Core MHz: Memory MHz: 3DMarks:
Radeon  183 183 1907
Radeon  225 215 2277
Geforce 2 Pro 200 400 2631
Geforce DDR  120 300 1469

Well none of the above scores are good, remember, the 2x Anti-Alaising option is enabled. 3DMark did look very good though! In the next series of test, I chose to omit the GeForce DDR. While still being a good card, it just doesn't have the horsepower to do anti-alaising.

Let's see how Quake handles FSAA?

HQ demo001 2x FSAA 

Video Card: GPU Core: Memory MHz: Frames: Time: FPS:
Radeon 183 183  1346 26.1 51.7
Radeon 225 215 1346


Geforce 2 Pro 200 400 1346 17.0 79.1

nv15demo 2x FSAA

Video Card: GPU Core: Memory MHz: Frames: Time: FPS:
Radeon 183 183 1471 46.3 31.8
Radeon 225 215  1471 39.6 37.2
Geforce 2 Pro 200 400  1471 35.0 37.2

Nothing spectacular here. To be honest, when I'm playing Quake 3, I don't even notice the jaggies… For most people, the game play is just too fast and the performance penalty is just too much. I guess if you're just playing bots, it's ok, but not against real people.

FSAA Action with MDK2 also…

1024x768 NO T&L 2x FSAA

Video Card: GPU Core: Memory MHz: Frame Rate:
Radeon 183 183  35.2
Radeon 225 215 42.0
Geforce 2 Pro 200 400 51.4

Again, I'm sparing the GeForce DDR some embarrassment. 2x anti-alaising is cool with MDK though. In fact, I can't play this game without it!

1024x768 T&L Enabled 2x FSAA

Video Card: GPU Core: Memory MHz: Frame Rate:
Radeon 183 183  34.2
Radeon 225 215 40.8
Geforce 2 Pro 200 400 51.1

Again, we see here that T&L degrades performance! I have NO idea why this I happening… If you know, please drop me a line!

One things I found very annoying about the Radeon was that at resolutions above 1280x1024 FSAA was disabled no matter (both in OpenGL and Direct3D) what it was set to in the display properties… To be honest, I'd prefer if the games told me it just couldn't handle the setting like nVidia cards instead of trying to sneak one by me. You could have imagined my surprise to see the benchmarks from 1280x1024 with 2x AA beat 1024x768 2x AA.

ATI has taught me that frames shouldn't be the only thing people look at… Before, my motto was "performance is #1, everything else is secondary" but the Radeon has certainly opened my eyes! Games just seem more vibrant and lifelike on the Radeon then my GeForce 2 Pro. Also, games run almost as fast, especially in 32bit colour!

This is to my dad. Sorry! I think I'm going to keep the Radeon for a while (at least hold me over till I get a GeForce 3!) so you'll have to use the GeForce 2 Pro and watch DVD's on your tiny monitor!

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Contents of Article: ATI Radeon 64MB
 Pg 1.  ATI Radeon 64MB DDR Video Card Review
 Pg 2.  Radeon Specs:
 Pg 3.  3DMark 2001 - No Antialising
 Pg 4.  Quake 3 action?
 Pg 5.  More Benchmarks
 Pg 6.  — 3DMark 2001 - No Antialising

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