There is a
USB port for PC connectivity on the side of the Belkin 500VA UPS, but it is not required
for the device to function. When the UPS is connected to the PC
you can use Belkin's custom software to monitor the status of the UPS, or
just monitor voltages.
Belkin's Bulldog
Plus is pretty detailed, and it gives you control quite a few things;
from running battery tests to monitoring the UPS's charge, to even setting up an e-mail notification service should
the UPS run out of juice. The software will take a bit of
time to familiarize yourself with, but set up correctly, can give you a heads up of any
PC power failures.

The main window is very clean and easy to use.
You can specify what you want to monitor in the two status
windows, and if that's not good enough simply click the meter button on the top and
more information is displayed.

Looks like the
voltage in the PCStats Lab is a bit on the high side.