The printer controls are dead simple and hint towards the market this printer is
intended to satisfy - note that there are no menus for things like
network settings. Aside from the power button mounted on the side of the printer below an
exhaust fan, the main bezel has four indicating LED's and three buttons.
Cancel/Reprint deal with existing print jobs
and allows the user to cancel a current print job or reprint the last page that
was sent to the printer.
Toner Save makes images and such
things a bit lighter, and really works best with just text documents, helping to
extend the useful life of those expensive cartridges. There is a sight
decrease in print quality when this feature is on, and some light gray scales may not be
printed at all so this feature is best left for draft copies.
When the Demo button is held for a short duration
it will cause the printer to print out a test page with its current
configuration: amount of memory installed, total number of pages printed, and
several other points. If the Demo button is held for longer than 10 seconds it
will prompt the printer to go through a self-cleaning operation - for example if
there is excess toner on the internal roller drum.