Thanks to the new DetonatorXP 21.81 drivers, my OpenGL performance
has improved by almost 30% in Quake III. Again, like in MDK2 at low res, the
CPU is the limiting factor.

Interesting that the GeForce DDR is leading the pack here. After
all, this demo was designed to show off the GeForce 2 line of cards with their
2nd generation T&L unit! Again though, we're mostly CPU limited here.

Once the resolution and detail's have been turned up, we separate
the men from the boys. As we can see, the GF2 MX400 at stock can't compete with
anything else, however when it's overclocked, it becomes competitive.

In this much more stressful demo, again, it's the stock MX400 coming in
last. When it is overclocking it can compete however.
Let's take a look at something a little newer, here's DroneZ.