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MSI KT3 Ultra-ARU KT333 Motherboard Review
MSI KT3 Ultra-ARU KT333 Motherboard Review - PCSTATS
MSI has always embraced new technology - often they are one of the first manufacturers to adopt, and the KT3 Ultra-ARU is no exception.
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External Mfg. Website: MSI Mar 04 2002   C. Sun  
Home > Reviews > Motherboards > MSI KT3 Ultra-ARU

Office Benchmarks

test system specs:

computer hardware:

processor: amd athlonxp 1900+
clock speed: 1.66 ghz
12.5 x 133
10 x 166
motherboard: msi kt3 ultra-aru
epox 8kha+
chipset: via kt333 (msi)
via kt266a (epox)

MSI GeForce 3 Ti500 (MS-8850)

Sound Card: N/A
Network Card:

DLink DE-528CT


256MB Corsair PC2400 CAS2 DDR

Hard Drive: Samsung SV6004H 5400RPM UDMA100 60GB
CDROM: Panasonic 48x CD-ROM CR-594-B

Panasonic 1.44MB Floppy Drive

Heatsink: AVC Sunflower
PowerSupply: Enermax 431Watt
Software Setup Windows 2000 Pro + SP2
VIA 4in1 4.37V
DetonatorXP 22.80
DirectX 8.1
Benchmarks SysMark 2001
Business Winstone 2001
Content Creation 2001
Winbench 99
SiSoft Sandra 2002 Pro
3DMark2001 SE
Serious Sam 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein

BAPCO Sysmark 2001 Source:MadOnion / BAPco

SYSmark2001 uses real world applications concurrently as an accurate way to test the system by following patterns that reflect the way real users work. SYSmark2001's workloads accurately represent today's updated business usage model. The benchmark runs at a realistic execution speed, with think times between application interactions, in order to emulate a desktop user's interaction with the operating system and applications.

Higher numbers denote better performance.

BapCo SysMark 2001 Benchmark Results
Internet Content (FSB/Memory) Sysmarks Ranking
1. 8KHA+ 133/266 MHz 201
2 8KHA+ 166/333 MHz 210
3. KT3 Ultra 133/266 MHz 198
4. KT3 Ultra 133/333 MHz 205
5. KT3 Ultra 166/333 MHz 213

Office Productivity (FSB/Memory)

1 8KHA+ 133/266 MHz 163
2. 8KHA+ 166/333 MHz 175
3. KT3 Ultra 133/266 MHz 165
4. KT3 Ultra 133/333 MHz 169
5. KT3 Ultra 166/333 MHz 184

Looking at the numbers, the MSI KT3 Ultra does get a tiny performance boost when the memory is clocked at 166 MHz with the FSB still at 133. Note that once the Epox 8KHA+ and MSI KT3 Ultra are at the same frequency, the scores are almost identical.

Winstone 2001 Source: Zdnet

Content Creation Winstone 2001 keeps multiple applications open at once and switches among those applications. Content Creation Winstone 2001's activities focus on what we call "hot spots," periods of activity that make your PC really work--the times where you're likely to see an hourglass or a progress bar.

Business Winstone is a system-level, application-based benchmark that measures a PC's overall performance when running today's Windows-based 32-bit applications on Windows 98 ME, Windows NT 4.0 (SP6 or later), Windows 2000, Windows Me, or Windows XP which runs real applications through a series of scripted activities and uses the time a PC takes to complete those activities to produce its performance scores.

Winstone 2001 Benchmark Results
Content Creation (FSB/Memory) Scores Ranking
1. 8KHA+ 133/266 MHz 74.5
2 8KHA+ 166/333 MHz 77.3
3. KT3 Ultra 133/266 MHz 75.3
4. KT3 Ultra 133/333 MHz 76.0
5. KT3 Ultra 166/333 MHz 77.5

Business Winstone (FSB/Memory)

1 8KHA+ 133/266 MHz 46.2
2. 8KHA+ 166/333 MHz 49.9
3. KT3 Ultra 133/266 MHz 46.2
4. KT3 Ultra 133/333 MHz 47.1
5. KT3 Ultra 166/333 MHz 50.1

As we can see here, Content Creation 2001 and Business Winstone 2001 verify what SysMark2001 says. The KT333 does give a very slight performance boost in office based applications when the memory is set to run at 333 MHz. When the two boards are clocked at the same speed, they perform identical to each other.

Winbench 99 V1.2 Source: e-Testinglabs.com

WinBench 99 is a subsystem-level benchmark that measures the performance of a PC's graphics, disk, and video subsystems in a Windows environment. WinBench 99's tests can run on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows Me systems.

WinBench 99 v1.2 Benchmark Results
MSI KT3 Ultra-ARU Score Ranking
1. Business Disk - 133/266 MHz 5750
1a. Business Disk - 133/333 MHz 6010
1b. Business Disk - 166/333 MHz 5850
2. High-End Disk - 133/266 MHz 15800
2a. High-End Disk - 133/333 MHz 16000
2b. High-End Disk - 166/333 MHz 14300
3. Business Graphics - 133/266 MHz 835
3a. Business Graphics - 133/333 MHz 841
3b. Business Graphics - 166/333 MHz 876
4. High-End Graphics - 133/266 MHz 1590
4a. High-End Graphics - 133/333 MHz 1600
4b. High-End Graphics - 166/333 MHz 1660

With the memory at 333 MHz, the HDD portion of this benchmark does get a very little performance increase, however as we see when overclocked, the scores are lower. This is likely due to the fact that HDD's don't work as well with higher PCI timings.

For AGP/graphics performance, the more bandwidth the better. When the FSB is in sync with the memory, the AGP seems to love running higher then usual.

Sisoft Sandra 2001 Source: Sandra

Sandra is designed to test the theoretical power of a complete system and individual components. The numbers taken though are again, purely theoretical and may not represent real world performance.

SiSoft Sandra 2001 Benchmark Results
MSI KT3 Ultra-ARU Score

Multimedia Benchmark (FSB/Memory)

1. Integer SSE - 133/266 MHz 9055 it/s
1a. Integer SSE - 133/333 MHz 9055 it/s
1b. Integer SSE - 166/333 MHz 9055 it/s
2. Floating-Point SSE - 133/266 MHz 10657 it/s
2a. Floating-Point SSE - 133/333 MHz 10657 it/s
2b. Floating-Point SSE - 166/333 MHz 10663 it/s

CPU Benchmark (FSB/Memory)

3. Dhrystone ALU - 133/266 MHz 4578 MIPS
3a. Dhrystone ALU - 133/333 MHz 4608 MIPS
3b. Dhrystone ALU - 166/333 MHz 4601 MIPs
4. Whetstone FPU - 133/266 MHz 2309 MFLOPS
4a. Whetstone FPU - 133/333 MHz 2309 MFLOPS
4b. Whetstone FPU - 166/333 MHz 2311 MFLOPS

Memory Benchmark (FSB/Memory)

5. Integer ALU - 133/266 MHz 2066 MB/s
5a. Integer ALU - 133/333 MHz 2087 MB/s
5b. Integer ALU - 166/333 MHz 2530 MB/s
6. Float FPU - 133/266 1977 MB/s
6a. Float FPU - 133/333 MHz 2004 MB/s
6b. Float FPU - 166/333 MHz 2379 MB/s

Since the CPU speed is the same 1.66 GHz, the almost identical scores in the Multimedia and CPU benchmarks isn't surprising. As for the memory bandwidth it seems that the CPU/FSB cannot take advantage of the bandwidth available. At 333 MHz, the numbers are very close to that of the 266 MHz. With the FSB running at 166, the bandwidth increases quite a bit!

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Contents of Article: MSI KT3 Ultra-ARU
 Pg 1.  MSI KT3 Ultra-ARU KT333 Motherboard Review
 Pg 2.  USB2.0 & Bluetooth
 Pg 3.  KT3 Ultra BIOS
 Pg 4.  — Office Benchmarks
 Pg 5.  Gaming Benchmarks
 Pg 6.  Conclusions

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