Most manufactures these days try to lure
customers with pretty coloured PCB, and flashy cooling gear. When we received
the PixelView GeForce4 Ti4200-8X we were a little disappointed with the massive
extruded heatsink which floats uselessly over the memory DRAM's. The saving
grace is that while the GPU/memory heatsink may have been a bit oversized than
really necessary, Prolink have taken to differentiating their GeForce4 in
another more important way.
Prolink PixelView GeForce4
Ti4200-8x |
With the Ti4200-8X, Prolink
are targeting the mainstream gamer who doesn't need the "extras", just solid performance. While there is
a solder mask for a DVI port, the card we tested came with just an
analog VGA connector. This means that gamers with LCD monitors supporting just the DVI standard
are plane out of luck.
Thanks to
the Phillips 7104E chipset, the PixelView features an S-Video output which can come in
quite handy. The card comes with an S-Video to composite cable, and a S-Video to
S-Video cable. In terms of software, the bundle came bearing WinDVD and two full version
games; Ballistics and Codename: Outbreak.
The PixelView Ti4200-8X sports 64 MB of memory, courtesy of 3.3ns EtronTech DRAM. Thanks to
that 3.3ns rating, Prolink are able to overclock the card's memory to 566MHz by default. Even
though the videocard has a rather large GPU heatsink, Prolink only clock the Ti4200 core at 250
In terms of overclocking, the memory was
quite up to the challenge and maxed out at a rather impressive 658 MHz. The
core was not to be out done, and reached 313 MHz by the time we were done with