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AMD AthlonXP 2500+ Barton Processor Review
AMD AthlonXP 2500+ Barton Processor Review - PCSTATS
AMD built the AthlonXP 2500+ based on the 0.13 micron process, and so the core has a total transistor count of 54.3 million.
 82% Rating:   
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External Mfg. Website: AMD Nov 24 2003   C. Sun  
Home > Reviews > CPU / Processors > AMD AthlonXP 2500+

Benchmarks: ScienceMark, SiSoft Sandra

ScienceMark 2.0 Source: ScienceMark

Mol Dyn: Molecular Dynamics is a method for simulating the thermodynamic behaviour of materials using their forces, velocities, and positions. Most important of the afore mentioned is the force. The lower the time the better.

Primordia: This code calculates the Quantum Mechanical Hartree-Fock Orbitals for each electron in any element of the periodic table.

ScienceMark 2.0: Mol Dyn
Processor Seconds Ranking
1. Pentium 4 3.2C 80.49
2. Athlon64 3200+ 81.34
3. AthlonXP 3200+ 75.29
4. AthlonXP 2500+ 90.93
5. AthlonXP 2500+ @ 2.21 GHz 73.55

It's no surprise that the AthlonXP 2500+ has the least CPU power at stock speeds. When overclocked though, the processor starts to really flex its muscles.

ScienceMark 2.0: Primordia
Processor Seconds Ranking
1. Pentium 4 3.2C 433.94
2. Athlon64 3200+ 420.24
3. AthlonXP 3200+ 402.75
4. AthlonXP 2500+ 479.48
5. AthlonXP 2500+ @ 2.21 GHz 410.06

In the Primordia benchmark again the AthlonXP 2500+ lags behind everything else but once it's overclocked it performs as fast as the big boys.

Sisoft Sandra 2004 Source: Sandra

Sandra is designed to test the theoretical power of a complete system and individual components. The numbers taken though are again, purely theoretical and may not represent real world performance. Higher numbers represent better performance.

SiSoft Sandra 2004 Benchmark Results
Processors Score

Multimedia Benchmark

1a. Integer SSE - AthlonXP 2500+ 16793 it/s
1b. Integer SSE - AthlonXP 2500+ @ 2.21 GHz 20208 it/s
2a. Floating-Point SSE - AthlonXP 2500+ 17193 it/s

Floating-Point SSE - AthlonXP 2500+ @ 2.21 GHz

20710 it/s

CPU Benchmark

3a. Dhrystone SSE - AthlonXP 2500+ 6977 MIPS
3b. Dhrystone SSE - AthlonXP 2500+ @ 2.21 GHz 8394 MIPS
4a. Whetstone SSE - AthlonXP 2500+


4b. Whetstone SSE - AthlonXP 2500+ @ 2.21 GHz


Memory Benchmark

5a. Integer SSE - AthlonXP 2500+ 2568 MB/s
5b. Integer SSE - AthlonXP 2500+ @ 2.21 GHz 2612 MB/s
6a. Float SSE - AthlonXP 2500+ 2433 MB/s
6b Float SSE - AthlonXP 2500+ @ 2.21 GHz 2499 MB/s

The SiSoft Sandra numbers are not the highest we've ever seen but they're very respectable for a mainstream part.

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Contents of Article: AMD AthlonXP 2500+
 Pg 1.  AMD AthlonXP 2500+ Barton Processor Review
 Pg 2.  Overclockers Delight?
 Pg 3.  Benchmarks: Sysmark 2002, Winstone 2002
 Pg 4.  Benchmarks: SuperPi, POVRay
 Pg 5.  — Benchmarks: ScienceMark, SiSoft Sandra
 Pg 6.  Benchmarks: PCMark2002, 3DMark2001
 Pg 7.  Benchmarks: Quake III Arena, UT2003
 Pg 8.  Mainstream parts have never been better!

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