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Fujitsu 6.4GB HD - New old tech
Fujitsu 6.4GB HD - New old tech - PCSTATS
Why would we review a 6.4Gb harddrive? Because this drive was made in 2000, and boasts new features that blow away its older brothers - and it smokes some 10Gb HD's (names withheld to protect innocent).
 83% Rating:   
Filed under: Hard Drives/SSD Published:  Author: 
External Mfg. Website: Fujitsu Apr 23 2000   Max Page  
Home > Reviews > Hard Drives/SSD > Fujitsu

Fujitsu 6.4GB HD - New old tech

What might you wonder, are we doing reviewing a 6.4 Gig hard drive? Well, the time has finally come when this drive has become one of the *smallest* and least expensive currently available from Fujitsu. Considering I started off with a 85Mb hard drive in my first computer just eight years ago that's kind of shocking, but hey, the times they be a changing. Anyway if you are like me and trying to set up a new computer for the absolute least amount of money, peripheral costs tend to be more important then size - but not necessarily speed ;-)

That's not all, rather then just reviewing a hard drive which I'm sure everyone thinks has been around for a few years now, we instead see that Fujitsu doesn't sit on its drives but continually improves them to current standards. With that said, the 6.4 Gig drive below was made this year and sports some subtle but very useful changes from its predecessors.

If you have had a Fujitsu hard drive before you may notice a change of colour - the once all black drives now sport a spiffy stainless steel cover. The new cover makes this drive almost impossible to hear, unlike the previous version which had the black aluminium cover and was relativly loud. Here are the general drive specs for the number hungry:

Fujitsu  MPE3064AT (6.4Gb) Hard Drive
Capacity 6.4GB
Interface UDMA66
Avg. Seek Time 9.5 ms
Platter Speed 5400 RPM
Data Rate (media) 17.2-30.4 Mb/s
Data Rate (host) 66.6 Mb/s (UDMA)
Buffer 512 Kb
Height 26.1mm
Weight 620g
Warranty 3 years
Cost  ~$130CDN

Model "MPE"

  • Third-generation breakthrough Giant Magneto-Resistive heads
  • High-capacity platters of up to 6.8 GB each
  • New top cover improves sound level by 1 dB for quieter operation

Incidently that three year warrenty is a great thing to have. So long as the drive has its serial number, it can be returned to Fujitsu for replacement if anything goes wrong within three years of its making. I had one Fujitsu drive that had a few problems and returning it to them for a brand new replacement was easy and cost nothing. Fujitsu's aftermarket support is excellent in my book.

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Contents of Article: Fujitsu
 Pg 1.  — Fujitsu 6.4GB HD - New old tech
 Pg 2.  Differences
 Pg 3.  Ram and PCB changes

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