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nVidia GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI Videocard Head On Comparison
nVidia GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI Videocard Head On Comparison - PCSTATS
In this review PCSTATS will lay down the benchmarks and fiddle with the resolutions so you know for certain what choice, dual Geforce 8800GTS-340's or a single Geforce 8800GTX videocard offers the best bang.
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External Mfg. Website: MSI May 04 2007   Max Page  
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SLI Videocard Benchmarks: FarCry, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

Crytek FarCry 1.33 Source: Ubisoft

Real-time editing, bump mapping, static lights, network system, integrated physics system, shaders, shadows, and a dynamic music system are just some of the state of-the-art features that the CryENGINE offers. The game was set to Ultra quality and the Ubisoft's Regulator and Training demos were run.

PCSTATS Benchmark ReportCryTek FarCry 1.33:
UQ Regulator 1024x768: FPS Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 115.87
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 117.69
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 124.21
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 126.13
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 115.3
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 123.48
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 117.73
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 118.75
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 122.88
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 113.26
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 110.03
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 102.56
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 116.48
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 123.57
UQ Training 1024x768: FPS Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 131.43
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 130.58
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 137.25
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 137.81
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 127.59
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 136.92
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 131.94
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 129.18
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 134.36
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 124.41
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 119.26
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 108.29
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 130.69
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 136.19
UQ Regulator 1600x1200: FPS Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 108.28
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 94.26
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 122.19
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 119.11
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 112.11
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 109.53
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 71.38
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 117.08
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 112.5
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 97.63
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 66.06
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 56.36
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 70.3
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 123.74
UQ Training 1600x1200: FPS Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 120.36
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 106.7
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 136.02
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 131.12
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 124.26
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 121.42
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 85.68
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 129.1
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 120.3
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 103.38
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 71.5
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 60.04
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 84.36
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 136.75

FarCry is not tough enough to separate the GeForce 8800GTX and 8800GTS in SLI, but as resolution drives up the SLI set up is just a hair quicker. In reality, both setups perform very close to each other and are thus practically identical from a performance standpoint.

Ubisoft Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory 1.08 Source: Ubisoft

State of the art graphics and sound technology collide to produce the most breathtaking gaming experience on any console. Advanced physics modeling enables rag doll physics, particle effects, and Seamlessly dynamic environments.

PCSTATS Benchmark ReportUbisoft Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory 1.08
1024x768 SM1: Points Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 139.885792
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 64.443943
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 199.735253
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 196.231297
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 195.397807
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 179.517733
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 117.641941
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 178.469615
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 144.763566
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 118.241618
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 70.675839
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 60.732844
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 118.20247
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 200.489818
1600x1200 SM1: Points Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 87.584383
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 106.88449
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 159.620465
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 123.64561
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 125.935686
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 108.197255
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 58.04113
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 118.73259
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 83.9432
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 66.05565
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 38.890503
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 32.680666
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 58.229833
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 188.629592
1024x768 SM3: Points Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 112.278394
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 82.984486
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 174.862607
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 139.046478
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 142.313627
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 145.612628
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 83.591378
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 151.834762
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 112.126407
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 89.210489
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 53.555388
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 44.737425
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 82.387783
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 197.683833
1600x1200 SM3: Points Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 64.317715
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 45.692169
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 98.310611
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 73.352521
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 75.407716
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 77.931571
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 41.401805
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 85.479555
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 59.896527
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 46.547863
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 27.516977
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 22.531252
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 40.748037
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 152.889788

Is there any doubt which videocard setup is fastest here? As PCSTATS dialed up the resolution to 1600x1200, and the eye candy to SM3, the SLI GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI combo leaves the lone Geforce 8800GTX MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E in the dust!

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Contents of Article: MSI Geforce 8800GTS
 Pg 1.  nVidia GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI Videocard Head On Comparison
 Pg 2.  SLI Videocard Benchmarks: 3DMark05, 3DMark06
 Pg 3.  — SLI Videocard Benchmarks: FarCry, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
 Pg 4.  SLI Videocard Benchmarks: Doom 3, Quake 4
 Pg 5.  SLI Videocard Benchmarks: FEAR

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