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nVidia GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI Videocard Head On Comparison
nVidia GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI Videocard Head On Comparison - PCSTATS
In this review PCSTATS will lay down the benchmarks and fiddle with the resolutions so you know for certain what choice, dual Geforce 8800GTS-340's or a single Geforce 8800GTX videocard offers the best bang.
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External Mfg. Website: MSI May 04 2007   Max Page  
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SLI Videocard Benchmarks: FEAR

Sierra FEAR 1.08

Source: Sierra

FEAR is Sierra's latest first person shooter which relies heavily on DirectX 9 features. With its "Soft Shadows" feature enabled, even the fastest videocards run at a crawl, FEAR is definitely the new benchmark for future FPS games to follow.

PCSTATS Benchmark ReportSierra FEAR 1.08
1024x768: FPS Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 188
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 109
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 157
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 150
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 143
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 149
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 107
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 143
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 138
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 112
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 78
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 68
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 111
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 162
1600x1200: FPS Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 114
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 59
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 132
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 108
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 103
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 97
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 54
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 110
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 79
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 60
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 39
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 34
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 56
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 147
1024x768 w/Soft Shadows Enabled: FPS Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 91
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 66
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 134
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 113
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 112
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 110
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 60
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 114
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 85
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 63
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 40
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 31
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 61
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 143
1600x1200 w/Soft Shadows Enabled: FPS Ranking
Asus EAX1900XTX 2DHTV/512M/A 42
Asus EAX1950PRO/HTDP/256M/A 30
MSI NX8800GTX-T2D768E 74
Foxconn FV-N88SMCD2-ONOC 55
MSI NX8800GTS-T2D320E-HD-OC 57
GeForce 8600GTS SLI 51
MSI NX8600GTS-T2D256E-OC 26
MSI NX7950GX2-T2D1GE 59
MSI NX7900GTX-T2D512E 39
MSI NX7900GS-T2D512E-OC 30
Gigabyte GV-NX76T256D-RH 18
Biostar Sigma-Gate GeForce 7600GS 14
Foxconn 8600GTS-256 27
GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI 103

At a lower screen resolution and image quality setting the GeForce 8800GTX and GeForce 8800GTS in SLI perform neck and neck. The story changes when the resolution goes up to 1600x1200, and soft shadows are enabled. The higher processing load split between two videocards allows the two GeForce 8800GTS videocards in SLI to blow past the single 8800GTX by almost 30FPS!! Looks like two Geforce 8800GTS videocards really are better than a single Geforce 8800GTX.

A true high priced alternative - SLI'd GeForce 8800GTS

If you're shopping for a new high end videocard do your homework and flip though PCSTATS long inventory of videocard reviews.

So here's the question, you have $600US to spend but don't know what to get? A single GeForce 8800GTX or two GeForce 8800GTS 320MB cards is your choice. Run the latter in SLI and it's pretty clear from what PCSTATS has shown you which option will give you the most gaming bang for your buck. Game developers are supporting SLI now, so the question is no longer as clear cut as with previous generations.

Technologically speaking the GeForce 8800GTX and 8800GTS are very similar, but those differences don't translate into much performance loss in the real world. DirectX 10 may change the equation entirely, since 768MB of onboard memory may have a significant impact...

As it stands now, two Geforce 8800GTS videocards running in SLI are better than one Geforce 8800GTX. Every test PCSTATS ran put two GeForce 8800GTS 320MB videocards out in front, particularly when resolution and image quality was pushed to the max. In some benchmarks the differences were quite substantial too.

Considering that the GeForce 8800GTX and two GeForce 8800GTS 320MB videocards are just about the same price, if you are looking for the best value for the money two GeForce 8800GTS 320MB videocards is the way to go. That's advice you can take to the bank.

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Contents of Article: MSI Geforce 8800GTS
 Pg 1.  nVidia GeForce 8800GTS 320MB SLI Videocard Head On Comparison
 Pg 2.  SLI Videocard Benchmarks: 3DMark05, 3DMark06
 Pg 3.  SLI Videocard Benchmarks: FarCry, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
 Pg 4.  SLI Videocard Benchmarks: Doom 3, Quake 4
 Pg 5.  — SLI Videocard Benchmarks: FEAR

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