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Asus EN8800GT TOP Geforce 8800GT 512MB Videocard Review
Asus EN8800GT TOP Geforce 8800GT 512MB Videocard Review - PCSTATS
The Asus EN8800GT TOP videocard is tweaked to 700 MHz core and 1000 MHz memory, up from the default 600 MHz core / 900 MHz memory settings.
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External Mfg. Website: ASUS Jan 03 2008   C. Sun  
Home > Reviews > Video Cards > ASUS EN8800GT TOP

nVIDIA G82 GeForce 8800GT Core

The Asus EN8800GT TOP/G/HTDP/512M/A videocard is powered by the nVIDIA GeForce 8800GT core. Code named 'G92', this graphics processor is a big slab of silicon. It's manufactured by TSMC on the 65nm process and contains 754 million transistors - wow! Nvidia packed the G92 core with some tweaks that other GPUs in the Geforce 8800-series have lacked. The Geforce 8800GT integrates a video processing engine (which was previously a separate chip with G80 versions of the GF 8800GTX/GTSs) into the core, and increases the number of texture address units.

Since the nVidia G92 core is based on the same technology as the previous GeForce 8800GTX/GTS GPUs, PCSTATS will do a brief overview of the differences in this review. We know you're not going to read pages of technical jargon, and frankly we're not going to write that much in place of time with benchmarks.

First off, the nVidia G92 core has 112 stream processors available to it (128SPs for the 8800GTX, 96 for the 8800GTS 640/320MB model) which means clock for clock the G92 is technically more powerful than the GeForce 8800GTS. Thanks to the smaller 65nm manufacturing process, the G92 core runs quite fast: 600 MHz (700MHz on the Asus EN8800GT TOP/G/HTDP/512M/A).

The GeForce 8800GT's 512MB of memory is clocked at a very high speed, 1800 MHz (2000 MHz with this Asus videocard). This is faster than the 8800GTX. To ensure that the G92 stays in its place, behind the 8800GTX, nVIDIA purposefully equips the new darling with a small 256-bit data bus. The GeForce 8800GTX uses a 384 bit bus (50% wider) and the 8800GTS 320/640MB a 320 bit data bus. That should keep the GeForce 8800GT performance in check.

For those who like theoretical numbers, the nvidia GeForce 8800GT GPU boasts a texture fill rate of 33.6 billion per second and a bandwidth of 57.6 GB/s. The GeForce 8800GTX comes in at 36.8 billion per second for texture fill rate, 86.4 GB/s in bandwidth. The GeForce 8800GTS weighs in with a 24 billion per second texture fill rate and 64 GB/s bandwidth. Now, let's overclock this pre-overclocked Geforce 8800GT from Asus shall we?

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Contents of Article: ASUS EN8800GT TOP
 Pg 1.  Asus EN8800GT TOP Geforce 8800GT 512MB Videocard Review
 Pg 2.  — nVIDIA G82 GeForce 8800GT Core
 Pg 3.  Overclocking the quick Asus Videocard
 Pg 4.  Videocard Benchmarks: 3DMark06
 Pg 5.  Videocard Benchmarks: Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
 Pg 6.  Videocard Benchmarks: Quake 4
 Pg 7.  Videocard Benchmarks: FEAR
 Pg 8.  DX10 Videocard Benchmarks: Call of Juarez
 Pg 9.  DX10 Videocard Benchmarks: Lost Planet
 Pg 10.  Advanced Videocard Benchmarks: Quake 4, FEAR
 Pg 11.  PCSTATS Maximum Videocard Overclocking Chart & Conclusions

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