This is not going to be pretty folks, so I'll take this moment to recommend that anyone easily disgusted by low performance, or has a weak stomach to leave this article
immediately. 83% Rating:
Thanks to all vendors involved for providing us with the
products to bring you this comparison. Recommendations for the above products
would depend on your needs and use. For the user who requires stability and
dependability, all boards meet my checklist of approval. If you are in the
market for such items, you should get as much information from their respective
sites and see which offered features fit your needs. For the OC'er and hobbyist,
well the above numbers will tell you all that you need to know to make your
decision. While the newer chipset from VIA allows us the use of 4X AGP, it is
still lacking in other areas.
There has been rumored around the web that workarounds for this bottleneck of memory bandwidth are in the works, and I would welcome that change. There is still room for improvement, and the new kid chipset shows promise in it's future abilities. For me, given the performance and usability of the BX, I am happy to stay with it for now for my gaming needs. The AOpen AX64 Pro took the exalted position of PDC in my home network, and will likely remain for a long time to come.