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Microsoft Internet Keyboard
Microsoft Internet Keyboard - PCSTATS
The fact that the left shift key sticks 90% of the time is no big deal to you, as long as the CPU is running at ungodly speeds.
Filed under: Peripherals Published:  Author: 
External Mfg. Website: Microsoft Jan 25 2000   D. Dee  
Home > Reviews > Peripherals > Microsoft Internet Keyboard

Microsoft Internet Keyboard
Yes I know, a keyboard review. Not very exciting stuff you are thinking right about now. You use one every day right? Wouldn't it be nice to have one that makes life a little easier? Granted that the flat boring 101/102 key unit you have wiped coffee and soda spills off of is still functioning just fine. The fact that the left shift key sticks 90% of the time is no big deal to you, as long as the CPU is running at ungodly speeds.

Look at it from this angle for a moment. We are always trying to pump up our computers, applications, and other peripherals for better performance. Trying to tweak every last drop of speed and time saving energy out of every component we tweak or OC. Well, why not a keyboard that allows for use of shortcuts. Being that you are reading this article right now, you are a surfer. Don't try and deny it, you are an Internet zombie freak like the rest of us. Spending ours on end scanning the web for the next tidbit of info to help you in your quest for knowledge and power, chitchatting with friends you most likely have no idea what they look like or how they dress, or for some of the more perverted crowd (i.e.: the one handed surfer) scanning news groups and porno sites for those totally fake pics of Brittany Spears. Wouldn't it be nice to take a few keystrokes and mouse movements out of your everyday regimen and make that surfing experience just a tad more enjoyable, and less time consuming? Of course you would, unless you like having to let go of certain unmentionable areas to hit the backspace key for your next thumbnail choice......

Microsoft has the answer for you. An ergonomic, clean styled, and full-featured surf machine of a keyboard. What I received for your viewing pleasure is one of two different models. This being the smaller of the two, comes to you with 10 "hot keys" for simple one-touch push button functionality. A few of them are programmable to start the program of your choice, or launch your favorite site's on command. The main 7 buttons top center are web based, meaning a forward, back, stop, mail, search, favorites, and home shortcuts. You know, those buttons at the top of your browser now that you find to be a pain in the ass when trying to concentrate for one reason or another.

I have become way too attached to my Microsoft Natural Elite split design and find it a pain in the ass to go to a flat design keyboard and attempt any kind of speed in typing. She loves to surf her multiple web based e-mail accounts, chat with family, and enter those damned online contests. I don't think Microsoft themselves could pry this thing out of her hands, and from my own personal experience with something like that, I would not recommend anything less than 7 very large individuals to attempt it.

I would totally put our stamp of approval on this one, it is great for people who aren't freakishly in love with an Elite split design and want the added functionality of some handy "hot keys". It gets a 4 out of a possible 5 just because I am one of those freaks. There are many like it on the market, but from my personal use I wouldn't give up my Microsoft keyboards for nothing' (yes, I am a shameless Microsoft whore so there!!!). For the measly $29.99 on Microsoft's site, it is a nice little upgrade.

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