James Bond had one and so can you! Well no not really, but if James
Bond did exist you can bet he would be taking notes during his meetings with M
with his Palm and this handy little stowaway folding keyboard from the folks at
The Palm Portable Keyboard, as it is officially called, is basically a
modified laptop keyboard that folds into itself to become not much larger than
the actual Palm Pilot is.
The stowaway keyboard works best when used on flat surfaces like a table-top.
It would be a bit tough to use it on the lap however. Then again it's really
designed to aid the user in situations like a meeting where lots of notes need
to be made, rather then the occasional note.
The unit comes with in a small elastic protective case along with a small
instruction booklet, and a drivers. Before you can use it with your Palm you
will need to upload the drivers via the Palm Hotsync cradle. Other than that it
is a fairly painless procedure to begin using the keyboard.
Simply unfold it, lock it into position and raise a the palm support and jack
into position before dropping your Palm into place. Once both devices are
correctly mounted, use the keyboard as you would normally to greatly speed up
the amount of info you can cram into the Palm.
The keyboard is constructed of four sections, with the two outer ones
being able to lock into place and keep the entire assembly as rigid as possible.
Seeing as there are no locking mechanisms for the central fold it really is
imperative to use the keyboard on a flat surface.
The keystroke is similar to that of a laptop keyboard in that it is quite
short - roughly 3mm. The keyboard is more than an adapted laptop keypad though.
The Palm Portable keyboard also has a few Palm-specific keys like; apps, menu,
calc, find, show, details and scroll just to name a few.
The only real downside of the keyboard is that palm users have one more thing
they must carry around. Being that it is really designed to tackle the meeting
or office environment, chances are that the user will be going with more than
just their palm. With that in mind, tossing the small package into a briefcase
or shoulder bag is not going to take up much space, or add any significant
amount of weight.
For the gadget freaks out there, the Palm Portable keyboard is high up on the
list of must have items. For those of you who only use your palm to make brief
notes, or during the day as you wander around, then the keyboard will not really
make much of a dent into your daily routine. All in all a really good adaptation
of a keyboard for the Palm.
The keyboard is only a few millimeters thick and uses laptop quality buttons to give any Palm pilot user more out of their device. |