Additionally the Vcore, or Voltage to the processor, can be tweaked if you feel
the constant crashing of an overclocked system is due to "not enough juice."
MSI's BIOS will let you pump up the voltage in increments of 25mV all the way
up to a maximum of 100mV.

Of course if
you are not content to be limited to just tweaking your P4, the 850 Pro2's BIOS
also allows some modest adjustments to be made to the RDRAM. We found the system was more
stable at 1.95GHz when we dropped the Samsung RDRAM down to 300MHz. There is
a jumper on the motherboard right next to the 4th RIMM
slot specifically for RDRAM over voltage (for us overclockers). Depending on where it is set
you can pump 2.5V, 2.58V, or 2.68V to the memory for some extra 'kick'.

The CPU thermal
throttling is not a feature I'd really ever want to use, but as the manual
explains it... actually the manual doesn't really explain this very well. My guess
is that the throttling kicks in when the processor reaches a specific temp, but if you
know for sure drop me a line. Now lets see what a Sisoft,
WinBench and 3DMark2001 have to say about the MSI 850Pro2!