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Intel D850GB P4 Motherboard Review
Intel D850GB P4 Motherboard Review - PCSTATS
Intel are known more for their line of incredibly successful processors than their motherboards, but if the D850GB is any indication, they can definitely hold their own...
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External Mfg. Website: Intel Aug 24 2001   Max Page  
Home > Reviews > Motherboards > Intel D850GB

Benchmark Systems Configuration

Test System Specs:
Computer System No.1: Intel Pentium 4 1.7GHz processor
Intel D850GB P4 Motherboard
VisonTek Geforce 3
256MB Samsung PC800 RDRAM
60GB Samsung HDD, 5400RPM
Computer System No.2: Intel Pentium 4 1.7GHz processor
MSI 850Pro2 P4 Motherboard
VisonTek Geforce 3
256MB Samsung PC800 RDRAM
60GB Samsung HDD, 5400RPM
Software: Windows 2000, SP1
DirectX 8.1 Beta
Detonator 12.90

SiSoft Sandra 2001 SE
e-Testinglabs Benchmark Suites
3DMark 2001

Driver installation was relatively easy. Intel supplies all the necessary updates on a CD-ROM that essentially installs itself. Called "Express Installer," the program restarted the machine a half dozen times as it progressed down a list of utilities available for installation.

Anyhow, with the machine setup our first round of benchmarks will start with MadOnion's 3DWinMark 2001, and then SiSoft's Sandra.

MadOnion 3DMark 2001

Motherboard: Setting: 3D Marks
MSI 850Pro2 17 x 100 4961
Intel D850GB 17 x 100 4969

In this case with 3DMark2001 we can see that the differences between the Intel D850GB, and MSI 850Pro2 offering initially appear to be very slight.

Sisoft Sandra: CPU Benchmark
Motherboard: Setting: ALU: FPU/SSE2:
MSI 850Pro2 17 x 100 MHz 3213 it/s 885/2095 it/s
Intel D850GB 17 x 100 MHz 3376 it/s 881/2099 it/s

This is the benchmark we've all been waiting for, and the P4 doesn't disappoint - at least against itself :-) With the 1.7GHz P4 operating at default clock speed it comes in at 3376 it/s for ALU, slightly above that of the 85Pro2. Overall the increase in performance over the MSI wasn't something we were expecting to see.

Sisoft Sandra: Multimedia Benchmark
Motherboard: Setting: Integer: Floating point SSE2:
MSI 850Pro2 17 x 100 MHz 6795 it/s 8307 it/s
Intel D850GB 17 x 100MHz 6768 it/s 8276 it/s

Sisoft Sandra: Memory Bandwidth Benchmark
Motherboard: Setting: Int ALU: Float FPU:
MSI 850Pro2 17 x 100 MHz 1541 MB/s 1564 MB/s
Intel D850GB 17 x 100 MHz 1542 MB/s 1558 MB/s

Memory bandwidths stays pretty much constant across the two platforms as you would expect. Next up, benchmarks from e-Testinglabs to test out productivity.

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Contents of Article: Intel D850GB
 Pg 1.  Intel D850GB P4 Motherboard Review
 Pg 2.  i850 Chipset
 Pg 3.  Features: Expansion Slots, Memory
 Pg 4.  Features: System Cooling and Heatsinks
 Pg 5.  Features: Processor Throttling
 Pg 6.  Rounding out the onboard features
 Pg 7.  — Benchmark Systems Configuration
 Pg 8.  e-Testinglabs WinBench 99 and Productivity Benchmarks
 Pg 9.  Conclusions

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