Corsair TwinX1024-4000Pro Memory Review
Appearances play an ever
increasing role in today's computer purchases. From case windows to cold cathodes
and LED fans, even novice computer users are adopting tricked-out
components to bring a little life into their drab computers. When it comes to memory,
you can only do so much though; manufacturers have tried changing the colour of
the PCB, adding colourful heat spreaders, or just about anything else to sway our purchasing decisions.
Corsair have earned a reputation of being a very innovative company, they were the
first to adopt RAMsinks, and now they've revolutionized the memory market yet again. Enter
Corsair's brand-spanking-new Pro Series DDR memory!
TwinX1024-4000Pro memory modules are easily the coolest looking DIMM's on
the market, bar none. Sure there have been other companies to incorporate LED's
on a stick of memory, but Corsair have taken this to the next
red, orange and green LED's
pepper the outer edge of the DIMM and blink on and off something to the effect
of a memory-level tachometer. The two rows of LED's represent each bank of the memory module independently, and as
the individual DRAMs are accessed the lights reflect the 1GB
of memory being used. Watching the pair of Corsair XMS512-4000Pro light up through the side of a
case as a benchmark runs through its paces is something to