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SiS 655FX Chipset Reference Motherboard
SiS 655FX Chipset Reference Motherboard - PCSTATS
With the SiS655FX, the company is now positioned to be a key player in the Intel chipset market, offering better value to motherboard makers.
 94% Rating:   
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External Mfg. Website: SIS Nov 03 2003   C. Sun  
Home > Reviews > Motherboards > SIS 655FX

Benchmarks: SiSoft Sandra 2003, SpecviewPerf 7

Sisoft Sandra 2003 Source: Sandra

Sandra is designed to test the theoretical power of a complete system and individual components. The numbers taken though are again, purely theoretical and may not represent real world performance.

SiSoft Sandra 2003 Benchmark Results
SiS 655FX Reference Motherboard Score

Multimedia Benchmark

1. Integer SSE2 - 200/400 13960 it/s
2. Floating-Point SSE2 - 200/400 21433 it/s

CPU Benchmark

3. Dhrystone SSE2 - 200/400 9192 MIPS
4. Whetstone SSE2 - 200/400

2498 FPU/5941 SSE2 MFLOPS

Memory Benchmark

5. Integer SSE2 - 200/400 4982 MB/s
6. Float SSE2 - 200/400 4990 MB/s

Historically non-Intel built chipsets always perform poorly in SiSoft Sandra's memory benchmark. When compared to Intel chipsets, we see that the SiS 655FX does very well for itself!

SPECviewPerf 7 Source: SPEC.org

SPECviewperf™ is a portable OpenGL performance benchmark program written in C. It was developed by IBM. Later updates and significant contributions were made by SGI, Digital and other SPECopcSM project group members. SPECviewperf provides a vast amount of flexibility in benchmarking OpenGL performance. Currently, the program runs on most implementations of UNIX, Windows NT, Windows 95/98 and Linux. Higher numbers equate to better performance.

SPECviewperf 6.1.2 Benchmark Results
Processor / Test Score Ranking


1. Pentium 4 3.0C/SiS 655FX (200/400) 12.73


2. Pentium 4 3.0C/SiS 655FX (200/400) 40.63


3. Pentium 4 3.0C/SiS 655FX (200/400) 67.65


4. Pentium 4 3.0C/SiS 655FX (200/400) 12.9


5. Pentium 4 3.0C/SiS 655FX (200/400) 11.84


6. Pentium 4 3.0C/SiS 655FX (200/400) 25.26

For those of you who are into 3D rendering the SiS 655FX chipset does pretty well. While we haven't posted it here, it does performs on par with i875P based motherboards.

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Contents of Article: SIS 655FX
 Pg 1.  SiS 655FX Chipset Reference Motherboard
 Pg 2.  A Look Around a Reference Board
 Pg 3.  A unique layout of components
 Pg 4.  SiS 655FX Northbridge
 Pg 5.  What is HyperStreaming?
 Pg 6.  System Specs and Benchmarks
 Pg 7.  Benchmarks: Winstone 2000, Winbench 99
 Pg 8.  — Benchmarks: SiSoft Sandra 2003, SpecviewPerf 7
 Pg 9.  Benchmarks: PCMark2002, 3DMark2001SE
 Pg 10.  Benchmarks: Quake III Arena, UT2003
 Pg 11.  Competition for the i875P and i865PE

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