Clicking on any of the red icons causes the information line to expand,
detailing the available downloads for that game. This section encompasses
demos and other downloadable content as well as patches for the game. For
example, the entry for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time contained a download
link to demos and movies for Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.

More options are made available by changing the 'selected view' dropdown box
to 'version management console.'
Here you can view all available patches for your games, including the ones
which are 'unsupported' by Grease Monkey. Impressive.
In both modes, patches and other files can be downloaded directly using the
red download button, while the installation button next to it will open these
files once they are transferred to your computer. The actual downloading
windows contain an 'open this file automatically once it is downloaded' button,
but this does not seem to work and was not selectable. If readme files are
available, these can also be accessed (from Gameshadow's site) using the readme