One of the
nicer aspects of the plain-Jane monitor stand that comes with the Samsung
Syncmaster 275T is it allows three axis of adjustment; up/down, tilt forward/backward, and rotate left/right. The
screen can be raised up a maximum of 80mm with little effort.
The Syncmaster 275T LCD panel tilts backwards about 25
degrees and forward roughly 5 degrees. Such adjustments are easily done with one
hand, no tools. The extreme's of motion are illustrated below. Getting the
monitor adjusted so it is comfortable to work with is important, for more
insight see PCSTATS guide
to PC ergonomics.
There is a minimum 80mm clearance below the
275T's screen to the desktop.
The monitor rests on a 270mm diameter
circular stand that gives it good stability, and also hides
a lazy-suzan. The Syncmaster 275T doesn't rotate completely around, but
rather has 90 degrees of movement. Assuming you have everything lined up
correctly, that means the 27" wide LCD panel can rotate 45 degrees to the left or right. Rubber grips on the
base make sure the stand and 22lb display doesn't slide around on the desk.
Software and image quality tests are up next.