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Powerware 5125 1000VA UPS Review - Ready for Blackout Season?
Powerware 5125 1000VA UPS Review - Ready for Blackout Season? - PCSTATS
The Powerware 5125 is a Line-Interactive 1000VA UPS, and with additional Electronic Battery Modules (EBMs) can increase its overall power capacity.
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External Mfg. Website: Powerware Jul 16 2006   Max Page  
Home > Reviews > Power Supply > Powerware 5125

UPS Output Voltage and Variable Utility Power

 With the Sencore PR57 supplying AC power to the UPS, we'll adjust the voltage from 120VAC up to 140VAC to simulate a spike in the utility power supply. When the Powerware 5125 cuts itself off from this input and switches to its alternate source, we'll be monitoring what happens to the output voltage as the UPS strives to compensate.

With a computer running off the UPS, we'll use the digital multimeter to measure the voltage level, and more importantly, where the output voltage dips during the switching process. The switch from AC to battery power occurs rapidly, but not instantaneously... If the output voltage dips too low for too long, it can cause instability in a sensitive power suppy and disrupt the computer. According to Powerware, the typical transfer time for the 5125 UPS is on the order 2-4ms.

UPS Output Voltage & Variable Utility Supply (+/- 3%) Under-Voltage
Trip Points:
Trip Point:
Lowest Output Voltage:
50V 60V 70V 80V 90V 100V 110V 115V 120V 130V 140V

Utility VAC

Powerware 5125 120 120 120 120 114 112 108 115 120 114 124


110, 95, 85 127 107
Belkin 1000VA 102 102 102 102 107 117 127 115 120 128 98


110, 90 135


No UPS. - - - 80 90 100 109 115 120 130 -



Test Observations: The Powerware 5125 1000VA UPS output voltage fluctuated during the 90V utility under voltage trip point from between 106-119VAC as a mechanical relay moved the test load (computer) from one power circuit to another. The lowest we saw UPS output voltage reach was just prior to an under voltage trip point, at about 86VAC Utility Input, where the UPS was momentarily delivered an output of 107VAC to the computer.

Throughout the variable utility supply tests, the computer remained powered on, and did not restart. Most APFC power supplies are rated for operation with between 90V-240V, and more common PFC power supplies (where the user must select 115V/220V) are able to make do with as low as a 100VAC utility supply.


The Powerware 5125 1000VA uninterruptable power supply certainly offers up an advanced set of management features that make it ideal for use in a networked environment, with both desktop and workstation computers. The expandable X-slot comes stock with a serial port allowing terminal communication with the UPS, but from what we've seen, really thrives when the SNMP/Web adaptor option is installed. The statistical tracking, and event actions allow the Powerware 5125 to be customized to take different reactionary procedures based on a total power loss scenario. From sending OS shutdown commands to client computers loaded with the Netwatch, to simply shutting down an unnecessary load segment, or emailing an administrator a status report, the versatility is there.

The control console on the front of the Powerware 5125 gives users at-a-glance status indicators of power quality, battery, output load, and a few other relevant parameters. A hot swapable battery pack and option to increase power capacity with up to four external EBMs further add to the list of compelling features for 5125 UPS. For home users, the noisy cooling fan quickly becomes distracting, but otherwise we generally found the Powerware 5125 1000VA easy to use, and configure.

Battery life tests were identical to other 1000VA UPS we tested, and for an estimated 300VA load (typical 19" monitor and 2GHz Pentium 4 computer), supplied 23 minutes of useable time after the power was cut. Unlike the Belkin Universal 1000VA UPS used in that comparison however, there was a noticeable lack of hum from the inverter in the 5125.

During variations with utility power to simulate brown outs, or voltage spikes, there were a few points were the output power dipped down to 107VAC momentarily during a switching event. Some especially sensitive devices may be disrupted by this, but during these fluctuations the test computer system remained operational and did not restart.

All in all, when shopping for a good UPS there are plenty of variables to consider, and with a price of about $280USD ($370CDN) , the Powerware 5125 1000VA UPS certainly presents a very compelling case for itself. I think if you intend to run one or more networked PCs off a 1000VA power supply, and are looking for good management options to tide you through the occasional brown out or power outage without a scratch, the Powerware 5125 is an excellent candidate to consider!

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Contents of Article: Powerware 5125
 Pg 1.  Powerware 5125 1000VA UPS Review - Ready for Blackout Season?
 Pg 2.  The different types of UPS
 Pg 3.  What is Apparent Power?
 Pg 4.  The rear of the Powerware 5125
 Pg 5.  The X-slot
 Pg 6.  Management screens
 Pg 7.  More Management Screens
 Pg 8.  UPS Testing: Battery Life and AC supply
 Pg 9.  — UPS Output Voltage and Variable Utility Power

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