Colin's Tip #2: Okay, there are several
things you can do to Windows 98SE just to make it run a little faster... The
first thing is to set your swapfile to 2x your physical RAM size. For instance,
this machine has 256 MB of RAM installed,
so I set the swapfile to 512 MB in size.
You can find your
"Virtual Memory" options menu if you rightclick on the "My
Computer" icon, then go to the "Advanced Tab."

While we're in the System Properties
window, if you click the "File Systems" button, you'll get this
Colin's Tip
#3: Next go to the "Start" menu then "Run." Inside
there, type SYSEDIT and press enter. It'll bring
up the a few various windows inside the
System Configuration Editor. Search for the "System.ini" window and bring
it into focus.

Under the [386Enh] section, type
. What this does is forces Windows
to use your system memory before it goes to the swapfile. Since RAM access
times are measured in ns (Nano Seconds), while even the fastest IDE drives
run at about 8 ms (Milli Seconds) this speeds things up
When we compare
these two types of memory, hard drives are as slow as