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Beginners Guides: Creating a Weblog / Blog
Beginners Guides: Creating a Weblog / Blog - PCSTATS
In the 90's Grunge was in. Now in the 06's Blogging is the next biggest thing.
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External Mfg. Website: PCSTATS Jan 04 2006   M. Dowler  
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Blog add-ons, and what not to type about

As is true with standard websites, many additional add-ons are available to give your blog more character. Most of these take the form of sections of HTML code which can be pasted into your weblog's code. Anything from message boards allowing people to comment on your posts to updated weather tracking for your local area can be found.

Many simple add-ons that work for websites, like traffic counters, will also work on blogs since they are just micro-websites themselves. Try some of these links for starters, or do your own search.


can a blog get you fired? yes.

once you have you blog up and running, there are a few things you should keep in mind. the whole 'style' of blogging tends to encourage personal, even confessional writing on behalf of the blogger. While this is a great thing, it's important to remember that anybody can read it.

If you have things you need to get off your chest and/or get other's opinions about relating to your work or personal life, it's probably a good idea to blog anonymously; the whole "the events within this story are genuine but names and places have been changed to protect the innocent" deal. Otherwise, like with an incautious email, you may find it kicking back at you if you are not careful.

One of the most popular blogging topics is work, and it's not uncommon for large professional organizations to have many active bloggers in their midst, documenting the corporate culture from the inside out. Be careful here, since blogging about work is subject to the same risks and hazards as writing about your personal life, though most spouses don't require a non-disclosure agreement when you start going out. Many corporate businesses have such agreements with their employees, and there are more than a few cases of Bloggers posting information which seemed innocent, but lead to their dismissal.

In addition, though you may be posting anonymously, if you are posting from work your employers may discover your blogging habits just as easily and legally as they can discover your surfing and email habits. Their computer, their property, their time.

Again, be careful and, above all, enjoy your weblog.

Read/Get Read

Of course, the idea of publishing bits and pieces of whatever you deem interesting in your blog is that hopefully people will read it. Seeing as they are non-commercial sites, most blogs gain traffic by being linked to from other blogs in a self-perpetuating web. The trick is to get the ball rolling and attract some initial visitors.

To this end, there are several blog listing services out there that you can list your weblog with. Some examples are:


www.weblogs.com (blogger be used to automatically update this site once you create a blog)

Obviously, the more interesting and original your site is, the more repeat traffic you are likely to see. While it's not really possible to define what makes a weblog 'interesting,' a good rule of thumb is to examine how much fun you are having keeping it updated. It's a good idea to allow readers to post comments on your blog, as it increases the chance of repeat visits (and can start some interesting conversations).

The best recommendation, though, is to become involved in the blogging community. Got a favourite site? Visit; add comments, link to them. Feel free to ask them to link to you (politely). The worst they can say is no. Current mood: Giddy. Current music: Sigur Ros

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Contents of Article: PCSTATS
 Pg 1.  Beginners Guides: Creating a Weblog / Blog
 Pg 2.  Creating a weblog with Blogger
 Pg 3.  Making your first Blog post
 Pg 4.  — Blog add-ons, and what not to type about

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