The IQ (Image Quality) of the Xabre 400 is very good. With Anisotropic
filtering off on the
nVidia based cards it's almost impossible to tell the difference between the Xabre 400 and
GeForce4 Ti4600! Below are screen shots from two popular games, GTA 3 and
Warcraft 3. Please click the images to enlarge them (56k warning!).

ECS AG400 (Xabre 400)

Albatron GeForce4 Ti4600

ECS AG400 (Xabre 400)

Albatron GeForce4 Ti4600
On the note of IQ, the 2D portion of the videocard was
very good as well, text was sharp and easily readable up to 1280x1024 thanks to
the 375 MHz RAMDAC.