Beginners Guides: Encryption and Online Privacy
Rules to keep your Credit Card number
private, your personal information personal, and your money, in your account. - Version 1.0.0
As on-line shopping becomes more and more an
accepted part of our economy, it seems obvious that their would be
a concurrent increase in the frequency of computer related crimes such as fraudulent
on-line marketing sites and identity theft, and, to a certain degree there
has been.
On the other hand, the success of online marketing
has the goliath's of the brick and mortar business world fully involved now, most
notably the banks. As larger companies get increasingly involved in doing
day-to-day business on the web, they bring the same awareness of security
concerns that they employ successfully in other enterprises to the Internet.
This attitude has meant that online shopping is
generally just as secure as heading out to the shops yourself provided you stick
to the well-lit (expensive) areas. Trouble is, it's a lot easier to make a
fraudulent website look good than a storefront, plus it's all so new, meaning
people get fooled. Hearing that makes others hesitant to take up online
shopping, while some of the early adopters with stars in their eyes are maybe
not hesitant enough.
While the comparison of online shopping to regular
business works well enough on some levels, the fact is that computers, for all
their advantages, add several new security and privacy concerns that everyone
who uses them should be aware of.
This article aims to cover the basics of online
security, including a description of the methods online stores use to protect
themselves and their customers. It will also go into detail on protecting
personal information and your privacy on your Windows XP
Online shopping security
One of
the negative perceptions of online shopping via credit card is that it is risky
because sending your credit card number out over the Internet is inherently
insecure. Anyone, so the idea goes, could be listening in on your transaction.
While it's true that data-theft techniques such as packet sniffing and capturing,
address spoofing and man-in-the-middle attacks are real and have been and will continue to
be used, these methods are well known, and modern data encryption technology is specifically designed
to counteract the possibility of eavesdropping.
The fact is, with current encryption
techniques, the only way your data is likely to be compromised is if either
your system or the system you are communicating with is compromised, which is why it's
important to look before you leap.
As for what to
look for, let's go into it.