29. Thaw out your desktop
Every version of
Windows has suffered from occasional 'desktop freezing.' You know the
symptoms... You tell Windows to do something it doesn't like and everything
except your mouse pointer slows to a c-r-a-w-l. You can open the start menu but
applications won't load or close. Very frustrating.
Fortunately there
can be a cure for desktop freeze, at least in Windows 2000 and XP, and it's an
easy one. First, save any data you are working on, the press CRTL + ALT + DEL to
bring up the task manager.
Select the
'processes' tab and highlight 'explorer.exe' then click 'end
Without exiting from task manager, click
'file\New Task' and type 'explorer.exe.'
You should find
that your computer has thawed itself out again.
30. Speed up mouse movement,
part 1
Windows XP applies
an acceleration curve to the mouse by default, meaning that every time you move
the pointer, it starts out slowly and accelerates with continual movement. If
you like a really fast and precise mouse setting, you may find that even
increasing the mouse speed in the 'pointer options' tab of the mouse entry in
the control panel does not get you the speed you want. A good partial solution
is to uncheck the 'enhance pointer precision' box below the mouse speed setting
in the 'pointer options' tab.
While this does
not completely remove the acceleration curve, it mostly does, allowing your
mouse to reach much higher speeds in normal operation.
31. Speed up mouse movement,
part 2
As stated in the previous tip, Windows XP
applies an acceleration curve to the mouse which can be disabled for better
overall mouse performance, especially during games. Unfortunately, the option in
the control panel as detailed above does not fully disable mouse acceleration.
To do this, it is necessary to make some registry changes.
First, open
up REGEDIT and navigate to
'hkey_current_user\control panel\mouse'
Change the value
of 'smoothmouseXcurve' to the following:
Then change the
value of 'SmoothMouseYCurve' to the following:
This should
eliminate the acceleration curve of the mouse once and for all.