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Beginners Guides: 104 Tech Tips for Windows XP
Beginners Guides: 104 Tech Tips for Windows XP - PCSTATS
From quick tips to WindowsXP, right through to cool tweak, toys and experiments, PCSTATS has go you covered with over a hundred new Tech Tips!
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External Mfg. Website: PCSTATS May 01 2007   M. Dowler  
Home > Reviews > Beginners Guides > PCSTATS

Cool Tweaks, Toys and Experiments 79-81

79. Reduce the Size of Your Recycle Bin

By default, the Windows XP recycling bin reserves up to 12% of each logical drive for storing deleted files. If you're the type that doesn't often empty the bin, your hard disk space will suffer for it. Fortunately it's quite simple to set the bin to use less of your precious space in the future:

Right click on the recycling bin and choose 'properties.' There will be a tab corresponding to each of your logical partitions (c:, d:, etc.). Click on each and lower the slider to reduce the amount of space the recycle bin will steal for its files. Click 'ok' to save the settings.

80. Make Sure of Your Location on the Internet

If you're about to make an online transaction or enter personal information on the web, take a second to make sure the page you are currently looking at is actually belongs to who it says it does. This is especially important if you are visiting a link sent through an email message. Scam banks, ebay and other web merchant pages have become commonplace in the last couple of years, so it pays to be careful with your credit card and banking information.

Phony pages often disguise themselves with long and confusing URLs so potential victims do not look to closely. By entering the java script line

javascript:alert("Actual URL address: " + location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + "/");

in the address bar, then hitting 'go' or ENTER, you can display the basic address of the site you are on. For example:


resolves to


this is much more reassuring. if the resolved address does not sound right, or does not contain the name of the company with which you were about to do business, be very cautious.

81. arrange the 'All Programs' List Alphabetically

Here's a simple tip that can make a big difference to the usability of your system. To alphabetize the 'all programs' section of the start menu, right click an area of the 'all programs' menu and choose 'sort by name.' Your programs will be arranged alphabetically instead of in the strange, jumbled format that XP seems to default to.

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Contents of Article: PCSTATS
 Pg 1.  Beginners Guides: 104 Tech Tips for Windows XP
 Pg 2.  WindowsXP Interface Tips 1-2
 Pg 3.  WindowsXP Interface Tips 3-6
 Pg 4.  WindowsXP Interface Tips 7-9
 Pg 5.  WindowsXP Interface Tips 10-11
 Pg 6.  WindowsXP Interface Tips 12-14
 Pg 7.  WindowsXP Interface Tips 15-17
 Pg 8.  WindowsXP Interface Tips 18-20
 Pg 9.  Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips 21-23
 Pg 10.  Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips 24-25
 Pg 11.  Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips 26-30
 Pg 12.  Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips 31
 Pg 13.  Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips 32-33
 Pg 14.  Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips 34-36
 Pg 15.  Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips 37-39
 Pg 16.  Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips 40-41
 Pg 17.  Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips 42-46
 Pg 18.  Computer Security Tips 47
 Pg 19.  Computer Security Tips 47 con't
 Pg 20.  Computer Security Tips 48-49
 Pg 21.  Computer Security Tips 50-51
 Pg 22.  Computer Security Tips 52
 Pg 23.  Computer Security Tips 53-54
 Pg 24.  WindowsXP Shortcut Tips 55-57
 Pg 25.  WindowsXP Shortcut Tips 58-63
 Pg 26.  Disk and Storage Management Tips 64
 Pg 27.  Disk and Storage Management Tips 65-67
 Pg 28.  Cool Tweaks, Toys and Experiments 68-69
 Pg 29.  Cool Tweaks, Toys and Experiments 70-71
 Pg 30.  Cool Tweaks, Toys and Experiments 72-75
 Pg 31.  Cool Tweaks, Toys and Experiments 76-78
 Pg 32.  Cool Tweaks, Toys and Experiments 78 con't
 Pg 33.  — Cool Tweaks, Toys and Experiments 79-81
 Pg 34.  Cool Tweaks, Toys and Experiments 82-85
 Pg 35.  Cool Tweaks, Toys and Experiments 86-90
 Pg 36.  Networking and Internet Tips 91-93
 Pg 37.  Networking and Internet Tips 94-97
 Pg 38.  Networking and Internet Tips 98-101
 Pg 39.  Networking and Internet Tips 102-104

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